Strong Towns Happy Valley

Strong Towns of State College, PA

Building a Stronger State College For the People of this town

Posts Tagged "Newsletter"

*Anti-Fragile Happy Hour Postponed*

July 18, 2024 | Categories: Newsletter

Hello STHV Community, We regret to inform you that today's Anti-Fragile Happy Hour has been postponed due to illness and numerous scheduling conflicts. Please stay tuned for a rescheduled date soon. However, we have an exciting event coming up! Join us for the STHV Potluck next Tuesday, July 23rd, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM at Tudek Park. Please fill out this sheet to let us know what you can bring to the potluck. Look for our banner when you arrive! Tudek Park is accessible by bike path and ...

July Newsletter

July 11, 2024 | Categories: Newsletter

Hey everyone! We're meeting at the North Atherton Farmers Market this Saturday! It's in the parking lot of the Home Depot off North Atherton Street (2615 Green Tech Dr, State College, PA 16803). Join us at 10 am to get some shopping done! And see the attached flyer for our other social events this month. Don't forget to fill out the potluck spreadsheet by July 19th! We'll send an update next week with a potluck location. Events in July: July 13th, 10-2pm — North Atherton Market Meetup July 18th, 5:30-7pm — Antifragile Happy Hour July 23rd, 6:30-8:30pm — Potluck and Summer Send ...

Social event this Thursday!!

March 28, 2024 | Categories: Newsletter

Hello, STHV! A quick update for you all- this Thursday (3/28) at 5:00, we're having a social event! We'll be painting signs to hold during the next few borough and zoning meetings. While we want to focus on topics like increased affordable housing and student housing, if you have a different issue you want to protest, feel free to (respectfully) advocate for what you want the borough to do! And don't worry, unlike the last time, we'll be meeting inside- so the weather won't interfere with our painting. If good times and good people aren't enough to persuade you to come, we also will provi ...

March Newsletter and 3/14 Meeting!

March 13, 2024 | Categories: Newsletter

Good morning, Strong Towns Happy Valley! We hope you’re having a very lucky March and a great start to spring. First of all, we wanted to remind you that we are meeting next week on Thursday (3/14) at 6:30 in the State College Municipal Building! We will discuss last Monday’s zoning meeting and the informal traffic study from February. We also will plan other social events (such as sign painting for future council meetings)! The speed study part of our crash analysis was successful. We got some more information about the general speed of traffic along a popular State College road, West ...

February 6, 2024 events and news

Feb. 7, 2024 | Categories: Newsletter

A few, fun updates to lighten up your February: We’re meeting THIS THURSDAY (2/8) at 6:00 pm in the Municipal Building! We’ll be talking about the recent CATA public hearing and preparing for some upcoming events. We are planning on having a table at Sustainable State College’s Earth Day Celebration in April! We’ll talk logistics starting this Thursday. On 2/9, CRCOG is hosting their Winter Bike Everywhere Friday! Register and bike anywhere in the Centre Region for a chance to win a $50 Blacklist Bikes gift card! ...

Planning Commission Meeting 1/18!

Jan. 17, 2024 | Categories: Newsletter

Hello, Strong Towns Advocates! This is a reminder that the joint Council and Planning Commission Meeting for the Zoning rewrite is happening tomorrow at 7:00 pm in the Municipal Building. It is important that we show up and make our presence to the new council known! The last council meeting where we really showed up, it was incredibly clear that our attendance was influential and our comments steered the conversation. Tomorrow, if we show up in similar numbers, we can really show the borough that the State College area is in need of increased density and housing! If you wish to spea ...

Happy New Year — Updates

Jan. 15, 2024 | Categories: Newsletter

Happy New Year, Strong Towns Advocates! Our resolution EVERY year is to continue advocating for increased affordable housing, better transit, and an overall better community. This month marks the first anniversary of STHV, and we've had some time to reflect on if we've been able to achieve this goal. We'd like to thank each and every one of you STHVers for taking your time to attend council meetings, contact representatives, and share your desires for a better future with the broader public. With the new year comes a new borough council. New members, including Matt Herndon, will meet w ...